Deborah Reilly


Author: Unknown

One bright day in the middle of the night, 
Two dead boys got up to fight. 
Back to back they faced each other, 
drew their swords and shot each other. 
A deaf policeman heard the noise
and ran to save the two dead boys. 
If you don’t believe this lie is true, 
ask the blind man, he saw it, too.

I remember reciting that poem in the fourth grade to a full auditorium at my elementary school.  Nervous, anxious, excited and then relieved I encounter those feelings still every time I approach the blank page.  Whether it be canvas or paper, paint, brushes, ink, scissors or glue the feelings are the same.  The push pull of letting go to create something from the inside to the outside.  The work of art is the act itself and I think everybody has got to do something.

Deborah received her BFA from Montana State University and in between her travels lives, works and plays in Venice, California and is currently working on a Portrait a day for 365 Days of people she admires and writing and illustrating stories for her beloved rescue dog Mork. More to come.

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